Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Guess the election is getting to me.....

I got a spam email from some guy claiming to be a  Christian dollmaker in Dallas trying to sell me dolls (I guess?)  Fair to say, the election has me a bit on edge, and the goodwill and patience I had for conservatives in my last post is all but gone.  
I kinda lost my shit on the guy (he is a Cowboys fan on top of everything else.)  
You can see his original email below my response.

First of all I'm a Philadelphia Eagles fan. Cowboys suck, Romo is a joke.
Second, I don't appreciate your spam, take me off your list.
Third, and not least, I'm not your fellow Christian. My beliefs are none of your business and frankly, my feelings about Southern Christians, especially given your rhetoric during the campaign season, is that you are not much better than the ignorant, judgmental, perpetually afraid and easily manipulated people we are fighting in the Middle East. The Taliban comes to mind, if you know who that is.
We are at war with them in Afghanistan.
That's the country from which the 9/11 attacks originated. You know, the event you and your provincial conservative mega-church going pals co-opt to proclaim your patriotism, even though you made no sacrifices that horrible day, and consider those who died East Coast liberal elites, or "Fake Americans." 
And you, the Real Americans, who contribute almost nothing economically or otherwise to our country have forced the rest of us to put up with a terrible government for the last 8 years because you were gullible enough to be duped into thinking the Republicans give two shits about you and your problems. Six years of uncontested government power, what did they do for your whack-job social agenda? Nothing. But they sure did make themselves and their buddies rich trashing our country. Good job asshole, McCain '08 right?
You represent the very worst America has to offer, and are the reason it's such an embarrassment to travel abroad on a US passport.
If Obama wins, I hope you find the next 4 to 8 years unbearable as you watch your un-American, anti-Constitution, anti-science and intellect movement die a pathetic death. If you and your "Real American" cohorts decide you can't take it and want to try to secede again, well just let us know when and where to meet to sign the paperwork.
Have fun with your dolls, jerkoff.

The original email:

I know your first impression is that this is just another unwanted spam mail. But it is not, I’m a real person who has a web based Christian shop, that started last week and I would like you to check out and simply give me your opinion of my site and literary works. If you should happen to find something you like then great!
I get really tired of people sending me e-mails trying to always sell me something. Or it is something from a bank inAfrica that is going to offer to put thousands or millions of dollars in my account if I give them my name, address and eventually bank account so they can drain me dry. I want so such thing from you and my modest workshop is located there in Dallas, Texas area. By the way Cowboys Rule..!...LoL
O.k. anyway I’m an aspiring writer who would love to publish his own book one day. So, I dug in my modest budget and got this all set up to sell my second passion hand made porcelain dolls. God gives us all a gift, and if you want to be successful in life, you need to use that gift to get ahead in life. I do not want you to buy anything from my site you do not need or desire, but take a few moments out of your day to look over my literary work and give me your opinion. I need feed back from the public at large to my work in that, I may appeal to all that I wish to reach.
Take 5 min. out of your time to do this for a fellow Christian, and there is an e-mail address that you may write me directly on the site to submit your opinions in the “Contact Us” section of the site. No be nice, I do have a editor that is checking over my work behind me, so there may be some spelling mistakes. I was kind of in a hurry, so I may have tripped on the spelling and grammar of some words. This coming from a writer, Hey! That is why we have editors for….ha ..ha ..ha.
Anyway, again thank you for taking your valuable time to read this and remember God blesses 10 fold for those who contribute. So, give to your church and support it for your church needs support to keep the lights on, and your blessings to the church you attend, is needed and appreciated …AMEN…Sincerely, James (TEX) Alvarado
P.S. If you enjoy my works come back to this message and type the word “yes” in the subject line and I shall be happy to e-mail you future literary works as they are completed…Thanks and have a blessed day.

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